University of Mississippi Industry Engagement

With nationally respected academic programs and research, the University of Mississippi stands as a powerful and dynamic resource to industry. It offers multiple avenues for engagement.

Through strategic partnerships, the University of Mississippi helps companies grow, problem solve, and give back. This website is your portal to explore possibilities and learn more about how Ole Miss can become a resource for your business.

  • People: Connect with student talent and faculty expertise to further your business goals.
  • Discovery: Meet objectives and solve challenges through cutting-edge research; get breadth and depth of advice with our interdisciplinary approach and proven academic programs.
  • Impact: Reach your business and corporate citizenship goals while helping advance and elevate the state.

Learn more about partnership opportunities.

Industry Engagement Mission

The University of Mississippi commits to connect industry to students, thought leaders, ideas and innovation in pursuit of strategic partnerships that advance education, research, workforce and the community.